Ph.D. in computer science and engineering
Research Engineer at Huawei
Address: Rm 921, Ho Sin Hang Engineering Building, the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Shatin, Hong Kong, China
My name is LIANG Yuhong. I am currently a research engineer at Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. I received my Ph.D. degree from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2022, where I was supervised by Prof. Yang Ming-Chang. Before that, I received my bachelor’s degree in computer science from South China University of Technology in 2018.
Tsun-Yu Yang, Yizou Chen, Yuhong Liang, and Ming-Chang Yang, “Seraph: Towards Scalable and Efficient Fully-external Graph Computation via On-demand Processing,” USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Santa Clara, CA, USA, February 27-29, 2024.
Chao Wang, Junliang Hu, Tsun-Yu Yang, Yuhong Liang, and Ming-Chang Yang, “SEPH: Scalable, Efficient, and Predictable Hashing on Persistent Memory,” USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Boston, MA, USA, July 10–12, 2023.
Tsun-Yu Yang, Yuhong Liang, and Ming-Chang Yang, “Practicably Boosting the Processing Performance of BFS-like Algorithms on Semi-External Graph System via I/O- Efficient Graph Ordering,” USENIX Conference on File and Storage Technologies (FAST), Hybrid Event, Feb. 22-24, 2022.
Yuhong Liang, and Ming-Chang Yang, “Move-On-Modify: An Efficient yet Crash-Consistent Update Strategy for Interlaced Magnetic Recording,” ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), San Francisco, USA, Dec. 5-9, 2021.
Yuhong Liang, Tsun-Yu Yang, and Ming-Chang Yang, “KVIMR: Key-Value Store Aware Data Management Middleware for Interlaced Magnetic Recording Based Hard Disk Drive,” USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), Virtual Conference, July 14-16, 2021.
Shuo-Han Chen, Yuhong Liang, and Ming-Chang Yang, “KVSTL: An Application Support to LSM-Tree based Key-Value Store via Shingled Translation Layer Data Management,” IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 1598-1611, July 2022.
Yuhong Liang, Ming-Chang Yang, and Shuo-Han Chen, “MAGIC: Making IMR based HDD Perform like CMR based HDD,” IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC), vol. 71, no. 3, pp. 643-657, March 2022.
CUHK CSCI2510: Computer Organization. Fall 2018, Fall 2019, Fall 2020
CUHK CSCI3170: Introduction to Database Systems. Spring 2018, Spring 2019
ICCAD 2022, CODES+ISSS 2022, VLSI-DAT 2022, ICCAD 2021, CODES+ISSS 2021, DAC 2021, RTAS 2021, ASP-DAC 2021, CODES+ISSS 2020, APSYS 2020
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